A Highly Effective 5-Minute Life Uplifting Technique!
A Highly Effective 5-Minute Mood Balancing, Life Uplifting Breathing Technique! There are so many ways in which our moods can change – we can easily have a bad hair day, or get out of bed on the wrong side. Or on the upside, feel excited by this or that...
Controlling the Mind
Recently I had an intense discussion with a friend about dealing with our own minds, and helping others deal with theirs — makes it sounds rather like have pets, or children doesn’t it? Occasionally over the years I have been offered cute kittens, and I have always said no...
Magpie Mum
Today I heard insistent bird cries, repeated refrains which roused my curiosity. I’ve never had the Dr Dolittle skill myself (well, the ‘do little’ part maybe, but not the linguistic side), however I have a friend who, incredible though it may sound, spent a couple of weeks being able...
Poem: If We Become Lovers……
Name? Date of Birth? Have you married before? Yes, millions of times! How long I endure. Where are my offspring, my descendants, my kin? Vanquished to the past, as the wheel spins again. And all the time talking, and the flicking of pages, lifetime upon lifetime, dragging this corpse...